I have bought a lot of garbage in my life, or it's something that was completely impractical at the time. For every good thing I buy it seems there are just as many poor purchases. These are the things I can think of off the top of my head.
One of the most glaring from recent memory was my Romanian bicycle. In theory it was a smart investment. I could get around Arad, get some exercise and see more of the city. Unfortunately this didn't work as the bike seldom worked. The chain would slip, you couldn't change gears and the brakes didn't work. Sounds safe, doesn't it?
In Korea I bought a baseball glove, because every American needs to have a baseball glove with them. Let's just forget that I only had a couple reasons to use it (going to the two baseball games I went to or playing catch with Robb). It seemed like an important thing at the time. It did give me the opportunity to play catch in the subway on the way to one of the games, so that was pretty cool. I believe that glove is now residing in New Zealand with a young man that isn't even aware of the existence of a sport called "baseball".
My classical guitar has proven to be a bit of a foolish purchase. This guitar that sounds great and has only been used one time (for Amanda and Josh's wedding). It's not that I don't love it, it's that I have literally had very little time to play it. It is currently just sitting in my room waiting for me to return, like a forgotten childhood stuffed animal.
There is my Babolat tennis racket. I was more practical in taking my racket from home to Korea and the Dominican Republic, so why didn't I just pack it up and take it to Romania I will never be able to figure that out. So, I will be leaving a racket here that was used a grand total of two times.
I have made some very savvy purchases as well. In no particular order my ipod, exercise bike, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (for $0.50), Italian espresso machine and my dutch pot. If I didn't have most of these I would be completely lost.
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