Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cast of Characters

I began to realize that anyone reading this blog may find it difficult to understand without having a clear grasp of the people I'm talking about. Ergo, I present to you, the players of my life in Romania (with description).

The Dunns
Scott - the patriarch of the Dunn house. Scott's work consists of working with the Andres family in assisting the Emmanuel Church, promoting Romanian growth and cultivating leaders to take over the church.
Paula - the matriarch (married to Scott), is personable, the networker and is on the Oaza board. Paula works with the Oaza foundation to help provide for the children that are in the house, and those that have transitioned on.
Stephen - the older of the two Dunn children. Stephen is very gifted with numbers, and an overall bright kid. Entering his senior year, the job becomes finding the right situation as the family transitions home for a year of homestay.
Lydia - the baby, is equally intelligent. Lydia is the intrinsically motivated student that stays on top of her studies. She is also the one most likely to leave class early to go hang out downtown with friends.

The Balls
Spencer - hailing from Flint (we still get along with each other), this 29 year old family man came last year and has been working with the Oaza house. A general handyman and man with a car, Spencer does the little things that help the Oaza children get to the things they want to do.
Lynsey - is heavily involved in her own ministry with the children of Bujac. Lynsey teaches two English classes to anyone that wants to attend. With increasing numbers and interest from the community, this is a ministry that is taking off.
Trinity - the wisest member of the Ball family is an incredibly intelligent (and outspoken) four year old with a mind of her own. Trinity has already begun preparation for kindergarten when the family returns from their two year sojourn, and already has most of the skills mastered.
Jonathan - the wildcard of the Ball family. This rambunctious two year old is never short on energy, or mischievousness. Jonathan is hilarious and this occasionally gets him into trouble.

Principle Andres family
Nelu - the patriarch of the family and the Emmanuel church, Nelu has very graciously served the church since it was started.
Neli - the watchful mom, takes care of some of the day to day Oaza operations, including the distributing of goods to the children.
Laura - the eldest of the Andres children, it is Laura's vision that allows Oaza to be a reality. Incredibly kind and compassionate, Laura has helped the lives of many of Arad's children and served countless more.
Casius - number two in the family, is mostly involved with the Emmanuel church as part-time pastor and full time worship leader. Casi plays guitar and sings, and brings insight into the congregation. Casi is married to Daniela and they have a son, Timi
Patricia - more commonly known as Patri, works very closely with her sister in making sure Oaza runs smoothly. Parti has many duties including being with the kids throughout the day. Patri is married to Cesar (pronounced Che-zar) and they have a daughter, Nicol.

Although they are not with me in Romania, I would be remiss if I didn't include my own family, because they are a part of my story no matter where I find myself.

The Walter Family *snap* *snap*
Rev. Paul Walter - part-time pastor, part-time superintendent, but full time dad. Also, occasionally referred to as Pablo, by yours truly.
Cheryl (Shae-Shae) Walter - kindergarten teacher by day, family glue by night. Currently taking care of her school children and her own children.
Me - narrator extraordinaire
Liz Dusseau - Spring Arbor admissions representative, Liz is my introduction to much of what I am missing in the states, especially music. Married to Mark Dusseau, worship leader for the Jackson Free Methodist church and member of the band "Like Jonathan" (check them out on iTunes)
Amanda "Da" Riggle - certified elementary teacher (currently looking for full-time employment, if you hear of any openings). For the next two and a half months, a mother-to-be. Married to Josh Riggle, also a teacher that works hard to provide for the family.
Sarah "Zama" Walter - the youngest of the fam. Sarah will be graduating from Spring Arbor University a semester early. This is the one I have to look out for, she may be the only one that stands a chance of seeing more of the world than myself.

This concludes the brief overview of those with which I am mostly likely to talk about. At various times, I am sure I will introduce more players, however this list will suffice for now.

1 comment:

Spencer Ball said...

The most overlooked thing in a description of me (Spencer) is my rugged good looks, and the flock of women that can't resist me.