Thursday, September 17, 2009

The World Race

It was only recently that I was alerted to the fact that there is an organization which runs mission teams in an "Amazing Race"-esque fashion. Upon hearing this, there was both confusion and fascination on my end. So they travel to different places around the world (cool!), they partake in interesting challenges that make sense only to the natives (okay), they fight and bicker with other teams that are also out on the road (that doesn't seem very Christian); but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the last two of these were not part of the plan.

This current team, made up of five ladies and two guys, made its way to Arad because there happens to be a family connection. Kendra is related to the Dunns. The World Race group needed to fill a gap after completing the Irish portion of the trip, before continuing on to Egypt. So, Kendra got in touch with Scott and the plans became more concrete. I have to admit, even though I do not know much about the World Race, if all of the members are like this current team, I am very impressed.

A wonderful group of people have come to this city of Arad. Seeing their hearts by talking with them, worshiping with them and having fellowship with one another has been very beneficial to everyone here. Inevitably when working with people you can't truly get to know, there frequently be times of doubt and depression. The, "what have I gotten myself into" moments creep into the heads of everyone from time to time. Unfortunately, when living in a foreign country the problems are exponentially more discouraging. It was nice having a breath of fresh air come in the form of this team. It was a real pick-me-up, that was needed.

It is always surprising when your life is blessed by people you don't know. This has certainly been one of those times, which I will not forget.

Side-bar - making these types of connections is why I enjoy traveling so much. Even though I may never speak to these people ever again, they have shared in a part of my life. If I was ever to run into them again we could carry on like old chums. There is always the chance that somewhere down the road I might be able to help them in a more substantial way. Old friendships are what has allowed me to travel so freely these last several years.

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