For the first summer since graduating from Greenville College in 2004 I don't have to worry about my employment heading into the next school year. The relief that accompanies the joy that I have is a difficult thing to explain. The closest feeling accomplishment I have ever had was when the Ohio State University was able to win the National Championship in 2001. Overwhelming peace accompanying a feeling of excitement.
After bouncing around over recent years (South Korea, Dominican Republic, Romania), I am going back to the place that feels as much like home, away from home. Santiago Christian School, here I come. My departure from the school took me on an unexpected journey, but my heart has never really left the people and students from that school.
I had initially left to ensure that I would be able to return and teach in Ohio after my travels came to an end. While I was unable to secure my licensor for the future, I was hit with the realization that I don't necessarily want to teach in Ohio. While I love the people back home, my horizons have been broadened to the point where it is difficult to enjoy the slow paced Ohio lifestyle. It's a wonderful place to be filled and refreshed on short visits, but is difficult in large doses.
I return to SCS in a slightly different capacity than last time, taking over the computer science position. A position that has laid unoccupied since my friend Ben left to become the P.E./Athletic Director. I am so excited to be heading back to a place that I feel completely comfortable working in, with the kids, teachers and administration. While I don't know the capacity with which I will be completely used, I am pleased as punch.
As more information becomes available, I will let everyone know. So, two months from now I need to be considering changing the name of this blog from "Drew in Romania" to "Drew in the Dominican Republic".
Glad to hear the good news Drew. God is good!
Unbelievably glad for you, Drew-- I can't wait to see what Romania has done for you once you've been gone for a bit.
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