Thursday, December 3, 2009

For Grady...

On the day my family gets a little bigger, I have decided to do a blog in real-time. Throughout the day, I will be posting updates and my general thoughts, as my lovely sister Amanda gives birth to her first. This is also a way for me to cope, because of my inability to be there for the blessed event. Throughout the day various people will be Skyping me to give me updates. Even though I am in Romania, I will be posting the time as EST.

4:56 Amanda (Da) is scheduled to go into the hospital at 5. I am guessing they are well on their way (if they haven't arrived already). I talked to Da for well over an hour yesterday. She said she was in very good spirits and wouldn't mind going longer. She had not gotten to the point where she was begging for him to come out. After dinner with Mac and Roxi, I called to wish dad a "Happy Birthday" and he said that Da got called in to sub the second half of the day.

5:55 First contact with the family. Mom (ShaeShae) got on skype and we chatted. Everyone had a restless night in anticipation. ShaeShae said she didn't get to sleep until well after midnight and was up by 3:45. The comparison is very much true, being that we all know Grady is on the way, today is like being a kid Christmas again. There is excitement, mixed with anticipation. Something magical is going to happen and everything is going to be different. At Da's request dad and ShaeShae won't be going to the hospital until 7:30, when Dr. Ty Huggins breaks the water.

Graden "Grady" Jonathon Riggle. Graden is from Gaelic origins meaning "renowned". I am fairly certain the deciding factor is because Josh's professional baseball team he has adopted has a particularly exciting player named Grady. My brother-in-law is a very big sports fan (although not always for the "good guys") and he has been able to instill some fanaticism into my sister. Amanda has successfully become an "All Things Ohio" fan. This allows her to fit in well with dad and I. So, even though they had a bit of a rocky path getting to Grady, I believe they picked a winner. 

8:38 First Skype call. Called dad's cell phone, because he wasn't talking on Skype. The hospital gets horrible cell reception. Da has just received her epidural. Waiting for dad to install a new AVG update for the computer, and we will have our first legit computer to computer call. Looking forward to some kind of status report.

8:43 First Skype update. Mom says Da is having a lot of back labor, but the pain has subsided since having the epidural placed. Contractions are coming close together. Talking snacks with dad, cause there's not much else to discuss until the babe starts moving (dad and his sweets). Dad making me sick by walking the computer down the hall from the waiting room to Da's. Josh is looking at paint swatches while his wife is in labor. Josh apparently does not do well with needles as he began to get sick while the nurse had a difficult time getting the IV in. Da says the contractions are coming one on top of the other, but she can't feel them ("and that is WONDERFUL"). Da on the phone with Pap and Mare, said Mare is having a rough go of it. Da is getting really tired and fighting off sleep while she is talking to me.

Still on the phone. Da's not allowed to talk anymore because they have had her lie on her side. Grady is currently face up (which is not the preferred positioning), so she is now no longer laying on her back.

10:20 Da is completely dilated and as soon as the doctor arrives, she will begin pushing. The nurse was incredibly surprised with how quickly Da became dilated. Last conversation dad ran to McDonald's to pick up food for the hungry bunch. Amanda was not privy to that information though.

10:25 Dad calls Sarah and we are all talking together. Filling her in. Dad texted both Sarah and Liz to tell them about Da being at 10 cm. Sarah admitted to not calling dad on his birthday. Sarah is thinking about getting in the car right now and leaving, even though she still has work to do today. ShaeShae came in and said the nurse had Da push through a few contractions, they are now waiting a little bit to call Dr. Ty. Still waiting for Grady to adjust himself.

Funny story time. During my chat with ShaeShae first thing in the morning she told me a story. ShaeShae has worked for several years with another kindergarten teacher, Sarah. Sarah has three children the oldest being Sammy. Sammy is now in ShaeShae's kindergarten classroom this year, but was very concerned when he found out that Da was going to be having the baby today. Yesterday, Sarah mentioned to Sammy that he would be having a sub instead of Mrs. Walter. When Sammy asked why she wasn't going to be at school Sarah explained that Mrs. Walter was going to become a grandma. This news upset Sammy. He then asked his mom, "Is Mrs. Walter still going to be my teacher?" The piece of information that threw Sammy off was about the grandma. He has two grandmas that don't have jobs. So, upon hearing that ShaeShae would be joining the grandma sorority, he was afraid he would be losing his teacher.

11:08 Coming live from the delivery room dad called me. Da is pushing. All I hear is a persistent beeping and the sound of Josh counting. As I look at dad's face he is doing an incredible job of staying composed. Dr. Ty is commenting on how well Da is doing. Da is staying very calm. I cannot hear her at all. Dr. is now asking my plans. I find it funny that with the job at hand he has time to small talk.

11:15 Her Da giggle about something Dr. Ty said. It is the first sound I have hear her make. Out of respect to Amanda we have gone silent. Dad is giving me the play by play. I was able to see images of her holding Josh's hand as ShaeShae hovered protectively over them. "Dr. Ty is moving everything into place as everyone starts putting on the necessary equipment (masks and hair nets). The time is getting much closer, Dr. Ty says she's getting close. She is pushing hard. It is really difficult. Lots of cheerleading from the doctors. The Baby's head is out and they are delivering the shoulders.

(12/3/2009) 11:21 Graden Jonathon Riggle has entered the world. Now the countdown to when I finally get to hold him begins. Even though I can only see what is happening, I can tell that ShaeShae is telling "mom" what a great job she did. I am so proud of my little sister. So happy that she made it through this and will soon be holding her son.

Mom has not been able to take her eyes off of son since he was put in her arms. Even while talking on the phone, eyes stay glued to the new edition.

11:49 Pap "Great-grandpa" is the first one to sing to Grady. He made the special request to be the first to have that privileged. The room is filled with people calling everyone they know. Mom says he cried a little when he came out, but calmed down quickly.

An emotional day to say the least. I still don't know the exact measurements yet, but Josh's sister Joyce is guessing 8 lb. 7 oz. from the picture she saw.

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