I am officially coining this as a new term. Even though there are aspects of my life which I am fairly laissez faire, however when it comes to my computer (or most specifically my external hard drives), I am totally and completely OCD. A once over my apartment would reveal that I am not the most clean person. Dishes occasionally go undone for several days, clothes may or may not be washed in a timely fashion and sweeping is done only out of necessity.
Giving a once over of my hard drive would show something completely different. Television shows are very carefully labeled, episodes being divided by season and clearly labeled in the season by episode number and name. It is a wonderful system that allows me to cleanliness I desire. My dvds and books at home are done similarly.
This is how I have decided to start looking at my relationships. Some of them are going to be nicely packaged (where there are no surprises), others are going to be messy. In my life, I am finding for my sanity that I need both. There are unfortunate relationships that exist just to be conversation fodder.
Many people I have known I have brought unnecessary drama to my life (both directly and indirectly). This definitely prevents life from getting boring. However, it is the more stable relationships that prevent the inconsistent relationships from getting the best of us. People have changed me. Each person I have come in contact with, has changed me a little. It's interesting seeing the direction our lives progress, and the relationships we have along the way. Both the "Sloppy" and the "OCD".
makes one curious as to which pile one would belong in...sloppy or OCD...interesting way to look at things though! kinda cool.
I can testify to this. :-)
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